Privacy Policy



By using this Site, you consent to the use of your data in the manner described in this Privacy Notice.
Pursuant to and in compliance with Articles 4, 12, 13 and 24 and the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data No. 679/2016 (GDPR) and in relation to the personal data of which Azienda Agricola Norcia, as Data Controller, will come into possession, we inform you of the following:

1. Data Controller

The data controller is Azienda Agricola Norcia s.s. based in Viterbo, Strada Sasso San Pellegrino s.n.c.

2. Data Processors

The updated list of Data Processors can be viewed by means of a specific request to the Data Controller at the addresses indicated in this statement.

3. Purpose of the processing and legal basis of the processing

The GDPR (art. 4, paragraph 1) defines personal data as “any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (” interested party “); the natural person is considered identifiable who can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of his physical identity, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social; “.
The processing of personal data (GDPR, Article 4, par.2) means any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or l ‘interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction.
Access to this site and viewing the content hosted on it may involve the collection, by the Owner and this site, of the visitor’s personal data, in particular for the following processing purposes: registration to the so-called newsletter possibly requested by the visitor, limited use of the c.d. cookies, which is described below, to respond to your requests for information or in the case of receiving emails from visitors to respond to their requests.
The legal basis of the processing is consent, both in the case of the use of cookies, expressed by you before browsing the site using a special banner, and in the case of a request to send the so-called newsletter and for the possible sending of informative and / or commercial material. Finally, as regards the answers to user questions, the legal basis of this processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller.
This site collects personal data only if these are specifically and voluntarily provided by visitors.
In particular, the collection and processing of your personal data may take place within the scope of the purposes listed below:

1. Respond to your requests for information.

received through the “Contacts” section of this site and / or through the e-mail address

2. Proceed to send commercial information regarding the Controller’s activity.

In any case, we inform you that the Data Controller does not collect or process personal data or information obtained through the site for the purpose of dissemination or sale to third parties, nor does it host the sending of messages on behalf of third parties.

4. Source of Personal Data and Categories of Personal Data

To pursue the purposes referred to in the previous paragraph, the Data Controller may process the information exclusively provided by you and relating to cookies, as described below, or relating to personal data (Name, Surname, date of birth) and contact (address and -mail and telephone number) entered by you in the “Contact us” section, also by means of the email address

5. Data provision by the interested party, release of consent by the latter and consequences of the lack of consent

The provision of personal information referred to in the previous paragraph is absolutely optional; however, any refusal to do so would make it impossible to respond to your requests and / or receive the commercial information requested.

6. Methods and duration of the treatment

The use of your personal data will take place in compliance with the methods and data requirements provided for by EU Regulation no.679 / 16 (GDPR), with the support of paper, computer or telematic, manual and automated means for the purposes indicated in the paragraph previous, in compliance with the provisions relating to the confidentiality of personal data, by the Data Controller and the Data Processors.
No disclosure of personal data to third parties is made, however the same data could be disclosed to persons authorized to process personal data under the direct authority of the owner or manager and / or Data Processors, i.e. subjects who process personal data on behalf of the Owner. The updated list of the Owner and Managers can be consulted upon request at the email address
The Data Controller will keep the data collected in the sense set out above for the time strictly necessary to pursue the purposes explained above, according to the principles of lawfulness, relevance and non-excess. In the case of cookies, the storage time is explained in the table in paragraph 8.
In the event of a specific request, personal data may also be disclosed to the Police, the Judicial Authority or other Government Agencies, in order to fulfill legal and / or regulatory obligations or requests.

7. Rights of the interested party and contact details of the Data Controller

We inform you that at any time you can exercise your rights towards the Data Controller, pursuant to Articles 12-23 of the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data No. 679/2016 (GDPR), or you will be able to obtain confirmation of the the existence or not of personal data concerning you and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or correction.
Pursuant to the same articles, he also has the right to request cancellation, portability, rectification, limitation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law as well as to receive in a structured format, in common use and the personal data concerning you can be read by an automatic device; we also inform you that you may object at any time, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning you.
To exercise these rights, or to obtain any other information on the matter, requests must be sent by ordinary mail to the Data Controller Azienda Agricola Norcia s.s. based in Viterbo, Strada Sasso San Pellegrino s.n.c. – CAP 01100 or by email to the following address:

8. Cookies and navigation data

This site does not use profiling cookies but exclusively c.d. technical and analytical, in order to monitor the operation of the site and improve the browsing experience, browsing data are stored, with the exception of the information collected by “Google Analytics” cookies, in anonymous and aggregate form.
On the website no computer techniques are used in any way for the direct acquisition of the user’s personal identification data, with the exception of those voluntarily provided by users as indicated in point 2, or user profiling systems.
The computer systems of Azienda Agricola Norcia use Google Analytics cookies, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (for Italy Google Italy Srl – Via Federico Confalonieri 2 – 20124 Milano (MI), VAT number 03660670963 – PEC googleitaly @ which uses cookies that are stored on the user’s computer to allow statistical analysis in aggregate form regarding the use of the website visited. These cookies have been set by the Owner in anonymized mode, in order to minimize the possibility of identification by Google or third parties.

In detail, this site uses the following cookies:

2 years
To learn more about cookies and how to manage or disable those of third parties, the interested party can visit the following websites:

9. Disabling cookies

Without prejudice to the foregoing regarding cookies, any refusal to use the cookies by the website will not compromise navigation on the site. However, it is your faculty to inhibit cookies through the information made available for this purpose by the Data Controller through this information or directly through your browser.
We remind you that most browsers automatically accept cookies but the user can usually change the settings to disable this function. It is possible to block all types of cookies or accept to receive only some and disable others. The “Options” and / or “Preferences” sections, present in the menu of your browser, allow you to avoid receiving cookies and other user tracking technologies, also allowing you to obtain notification, by the browser itself, of the activation of these technologies. Alternatively, you can also consult the “Help” section of the toolbar present in most browsers.
We recommend that you follow the instructions directly from your provider’s site, for a timely update of the same, by selecting the browser used from the following list: Internet Explorer; Chrome; Safari; Firefox; Opera.
10. Third Party Sites.
Third-party sites that may be accessed through this website are not covered by this information. Azienda Agricola Norcia declines any responsibility regarding them

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