The farm is located on the border between the municipalities of Vetralla and Viterbo.
The farm can be reached by driving from Vetralla in the direction of Viterbo along the Strada Statale Cassia Sud until km. 72,200.
Norcia Fam
Road Cassia Sud Km 72.200
Viterbo – 01019 – –
Tel. 339/7452956 – 0364/320249 – 338/1824998

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Where to find our olive oils

Restaurant "Tavern Dosso Seradino"

Address: Street Dosso Seradino, 39  Pisogne (BS)
Phone: +39 328 7181125

Restaurant "Da Beccone"

Address: street Guglielmo Marconi, 26 Blera (VT)
Phone: +39 0761 479210

Restaurant "Da Sapì"

Address: street Mazzini, 36 Esine (BS)
Mobile: +39 335 5254381
Phone: +39 0364 46052

Agritourism company "Le Frise"

Address: Street Rive dei balti, 12 Artogne (BS)
Phone: + 39 0364 598298

"Salumeria Gastronomia Sedani" by Pedretti Giorgio

Address: Street Donatori di Sangue, 20  Breno (BS)
Tel: + 39 0364 22306
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